Home Evolutions VA

Behind the Pane: The Science of UV-Protected Windows (The Science Behind them)


Have you ever had a piece of art professionally framed? If so, you probably were asked which type of glass you’d prefer – UV-protected or non-UV-protected. Did you stop to think about why they gave you the option? Well, artwork, among other things in our homes like area rugs and furniture, can be damaged by the sun.


Just like UV-protected glass in a framed piece of art, UV-protected windows protect the inside of our homes from UV damage. What’s the science of UV-protected windows, and how do they work? Keep reading to learn more!


Understanding Sunlight & UV Rays

Before we dive right into the science behind UV-protected windows, let’s do a quick science lesson on sunlight and its UV rays. The sun provides light and fosters life by providing substantial warmth with its spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. While you can see the light the sun emits, its ultraviolet (UV) rays are invisible, yet they can cause harm.These invisible ultraviolet rays are dangerous and can cause premature skin aging, skin cancers, and more harm.


The sun emits three types of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC.


Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) are the rays that cause skin cancers and aging, ultimately harming our cells. They’re why we apply sunscreen before going outdoors to avoid sunburns and unprotected exposure to the sun. UVA and UVB are also responsible for fading fabrics and artwork in our homes. Ultraviolet C (UVC) isn’t transmitted to Earth as our atmosphere blocks the rays.



What Makes UV Rays Dangerous?

These ultraviolet rays can be seen from around 300 up to 700 nanometers. What are nanometers? Nanometers are the measurement of the UV-ray’s wavelengths. Below are their wavelengths in nanometers:


  • UVA (315-399 nm)
  • UVB (280-314 nm)
  • UVC (100-279)

Most ultraviolet rays that make it past Earth’s atmosphere are UVA and a little bit of UVB. These ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancers and premature aging, as mentioned above, in addition to silently fading our furniture and beautiful art pieces.


What Harm can Sunlight do to Our Interiors?

We already know that UVA and UVB rays can damage our interiors, but let’s dive deeper into the science behind it. Every fabric, piece of artwork, or rug sunlight touches inside a home is in danger of fading, unless there are UV-protected windows installed. Why? The solar heat produced by UVB rays breaks down the chemical bonds of many materials, including carpets, couches, paintings, rugs, etc. Fabrics that are UV resistant won’t fade, but standard fabrics and paints will be bleached by the sun. The darker the color and the works of art made from watercolors will fade faster than others.

If you’re interested in protecting your home’s interior and loved ones from harmful UV rays, consider installing UV-protected windows from Home Evolutions VA. Our Mountainview Windows come with many features, including air-tight interlocking seals, and optional gas seals, and all windows meet or exceed ENERGY STAR® standards.


Unfortunately, you won’t see the interiors fading; it’s a gradual process that happens slowly. Each time fabrics or artwork are exposed to sunlight, the chemical bonds slowly break down. Luckily, silent fading can be prevented with UV-protected windows from Home Evolutions VA!


The Science of UV Windows

Home Evolutions VA has a variety of UV-protected windows to choose from. Our UV-protected windows contain coatings with multiple microscopic layers of metal oxides that are applied to the window glass. The layers of metal oxides allow visible sunlight to enter our homes while blocking UVA and UVB rays from entering.


When choosing UV-protected windows, opt for our Low-E (low-emissivity) MoutainView Windows. They allow sunlight and warmth to enter a home while blocking harmful UVA and UVB rays. Therefore, fabrics and artwork will retain vibrancy, never fading or bleaching from the sun!


What are the benefits of UV windows? UV-protected windows protect our home interiors but also keep loved ones safer. By installing Low-E windows and blocking harmful UVA and UVB rays, we’re protecting our loved ones from unnecessary sun exposure, keeping them healthier.




Home Evolutions VA’s Mountainview Windows

If you’re interested in protecting your home’s interior and loved ones from harmful UV rays, consider installing UV-protected windows from Home Evolutions VA. Our Mountainview Windows come with many features, including air-tight interlocking seals, and optional gas seals, and all windows meet or exceed ENERGY STAR® standards.



Our installation process for installing MountainView Windows is easy! It starts with our free consultation where we’ll come to your home and examine your current windows. We’ll provide an honest assessment of your windows and the cost of installing replacement windows. Here’s a glance at our installation process:


  • Remove your current windows (we clean it all up and discard every piece)
  • Measure & custom-fit our MountainView Windows to be a perfect fit for your home
  • Install your replacement windows


Our window installers are expertly trained, avoiding common pitfalls in window installation and ensuring a perfect fit for your home.


Home Evolutions VA can help with all your home improvement needs, whether you need help with an insurance claim or a quote for installing a new roof or gutter system. We’re here to help every step of the way throughout the entire process. Contact us today for a free consultation!




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