Home Evolutions VA

helping your gutters survive the winter

Despite technological advancements and new kinds of roofing systems hitting the market, asphalt shingle roofing remains the most popular kind of roofing on homes in North America. Why? Because an asphalt shingle roof provides an all-around value that’s tough to beat. In terms of roofing materials, asphalt shingles are much more affordable than steel, tile, or copper roofing. Asphalt shingle roofs also require virtually no maintenance for them to keep their like-new appearance, which is something that every homeowner can appreciate.

While asphalt shingle roofing may not be the longest-lasting roofing system on the market, the average asphalt shingle roof lasts between 20 and 25 years before any significant repairs need to be made or the roof needs to be replaced altogether. Asphalt shingles typically last longer than wooden shingles, as the heat from the sun dries out the natural oils in the wood, making the shingles dry and brittle over time. As a result, wooden shingles become more susceptible to rot, erosion, and leakage. Asphalt shingles, however, are constructed from a blend of fiberglass and waterproof asphalt and designed to stand up to prolonged sunlight exposure and harsh weather without deteriorating.

Features That Contribute to Longevity

Many kinds of asphalt shingles on the market these days, like those made by GAF, feature cutting-edge technology that helps them last longer than asphalt shingles of yesteryear. For instance, some asphalt shingles have reflective elements built into the granules that reflect sunlight rather than absorb it. Not only does this help the asphalt shingles retain their beautiful color and structural integrity for much longer, but by also reflecting a good amount of the sun’s heat, these “smart” or “cool” asphalt shingle roofing systems can help your home stay cooler during the hot months and might even lower your energy bills.

Another feature of modern asphalt shingles that contributes to their longevity is the heavy-duty adhesives with which they’re installed. Not only are roofing shingles applied with an adhesive, as well as nailed into place, but they also have a layer of black asphalt on the underside that becomes sticky in the hot sun. This further bonds the shingle to the roof deck to create a weather-tight seal that keeps moisture from getting underneath the shingle and causing mold and mildew growth. It also prevents the shingles from blowing off in the face of heavy winds, which is particularly important because once one shingle is blown off, the adjacent ones become more susceptible to blowing off as well.

Asphalt shingles also typically have some kind of built-in antimicrobial technology that prevents algae from forming. Not only can ugly algae streaks detract from your home’s curb appeal, but they can also cause your shingles to deteriorate and thus not be able to perform as they should.

There’s a particular kind of asphalt shingle offered by many manufacturers called an “architectural shingle,” which is about three times thicker than a standard asphalt roofing shingle. With this added thickness, architectural shingles form a denser, more resilient roof that offers more textures and durability. While architectural shingles cost more, the extra investment may be worth it in the long run, considering architectural asphalt shingle roofs may last as long as 30 years.

Partner With an Experienced Roofing Company

Of course, the lifespan of your asphalt shingle roof also depends on how well it was installed. Proper installation is paramount to you receiving the absolute best value for your home improvement dollar. For reliable roof replacement services in the Lynchburg, Virginia, area, turn to Home Evolutions VA. We’ve been serving local homeowners for decades. Contact us today and schedule a consultation to learn more about our roofing services.

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